
Avoid Dirt Exposure On Cracked Heels

April 6, 2024 0 By Nishant

How to treat cracked heels?

During the transition period between the two seasons, you must have noticed that skin around the heels becomes hard and feels very dry in touch. If it is moisturized or treated on time, then it may converse into cracked heels. Wearing open shoes in summers, invites dryness and discomfort. Dead skin accumulation over the heels is very common due to vulnerable polluted environment.

The good news is it has become very easy and advanced to treat cracked heels. Specialists for skin treatment in Delhi are providing various beneficial solutions. Besides prescribed medicines and ointments it is also advisable to do home care of cracked heels.

Home care for cracked heels

Do not shave the calluses– When you find that cracked heels are peeling, it is not easy to pick out the dead skin. The worst part is that people starts shaving the area without understanding the consequences. In an attempt to get rid of the callus, you may shave out hard skin that may result in severe infection. Always soak feet in warm water and add some exfoliating foot relaxant solution. Skin specialists provide external medications to use that will sooth the open cracks and ease pain gradually.

Wear closed back shoes– While you are undergoing the skin treatment in Delhi, specialists will request you to wear closed back shoes. Even at the time of sleeping you must hydrate feet properly with the overnight cream and avoid stepping out of the bed.

Use heel balms regularly– Thick moisturizers are required to apply on a regular basis onto feet. Heel balms are available in the market under different brands. Your dermatologist will suggest the kind of balm required for treatment. With the use of balm at night, softness of heels may restore. If cracks are deep, then it may also take 2 to 3 weeks to show results.

Liquid bandage– During the skin treatment in Delhi, dermatologist may prescribe you liquid bandage. This is a kind of a medicated bandage that has exfoliating ingredients. It has to be applied on deep cracked heels at night. This way you will be able to treat cracks overnight every day without any infection.

Wash feet properly after exposure– When you come back home from work or expose feet directly on a dirty surface, then clean them as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may develop bacterial infection.

What are other precautions?

Using hard stone on cracked heels is extremely dangerous. Many a times, people develop eczema due to continuous rubbing and shaving of the callus. Avoid scratching of the dead skin if it starts appearing during the treatment.